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There are mines of gold in the Hyspiratis,1 near Caballa. Alexander sent Menon to the mines with a body of soldiers, but he was strangled2 by the inhabitants of the coun- try. There are other mines, and also a mine of Sandyx as it is called, to which is given the name of Armenian colour, it resembles the Calche.3

This country is so well adapted, being nothing inferior in this respect to Media, for breeding horses, that the race of Nesean horses, which the kings of Persia used, is found here also; the satrap of Armenia used to send annually to the king of Persia 20,000 foals at the time of the festival of the Mithracina. Artavasdes, when he accompanied Antony in his invasion of Media, exhibited, besides other bodies of cavalry, 6000 horse covered with complete armour drawn up in array.

Not only do the Medes and Armenians, but the Albanians also, admire this kind of cavalry, for the latter use horses covered with armour.

1 Groskurd proposes Syspiritis.

2 πήγχθη. Meineke.

3 It is doub ful whether this colour was red, blue, or purple.

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