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Side A: Herakles' head

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Side A: scene at center

Andokides Painter's amphora depicting Herakles feasting: detail of a ...

Andokides Painter's amphora depicting Herakles feasting: detail of a ...

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Side B: Herakles feasting

Andokides Painter's amphora depicting Herakles feasting: detail of a ...

Collection: Munich, Antikensammlungen
Summary: Sides A and B: Herakles feasting, with Athena
Ware: Attic Bilingual
Painter: Attributed to the Andokides Painter and Lysippides Painter
Attributed By: J.D. Beazley
Context: From Vulci
Date: ca. 530 BC - ca. 510 BC

H. 0.535 m., Max. D. 0.225 m.

Primary Citation: ABV, 255, 4; ARV2, 4, 9
Shape: Panel amphora
Beazley Number: 200009
Region: Etruria
Period: Archaic

Decoration Description:

Side A: red figure, Herakles feasting, with Athena. Herakles reclines on a kline, wearing an elaborate mantle, a wreath of grapevine on his head. He leans on a cushion with his left arm, in which he holds a kantharos, and rests his left arm on his knee. The kline has richly ornamented legs. In front of the kline is a three-legged table with lion-paw legs. Foodstuffs, including five rounded loaves or cakes on the left, three long dark red strips of meat and a knife in the center, five small fruits (?) to the right, a saucer (?) and a kylix. To the left stands Athena, wearing a chiton, aegis, helmet and carrying a spear. She offers Herakles a rose in her left hand.

Side B: Black figure, similar scene. Herakles reclines on a kline, before which is a table laden with foods. Athena holds out her hand in greeting. Behind Athena stands Hermes, wearing high boots and a cap, while to the right a servant draws wine from a dinos on a high stand.

Sources Used:

CVA, Munich; Simon & Hirmer 1976, 92-3.