
Collection: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Summary: Oinochoe decorated with hatched triangles, meanders, and dotted lozenges.
Ware: Attic Geometric
Context: From Athens, The Dipylon
Date: ca. 760 BC - ca. 750 BC

H. 0.161 m., D. 0.081 m.

Shape: Oinochoe
Ceramic Phase: LG Ia
Region: Attica
Period: Geometric

Decoration Description:

The clay is a light dull red, of firm texture. The decoration is in slightly lustrous dark brown glaze. The body of the vessel is ovoid, with a high, sloping shoulder, narrow high neck, and trefoil mouth. The handle is attached to the mouth. On the lip are hatched triangles, on the neck a high meander of hatched bands, separated by horizontal lines from bands of dotted lozenges above and below. On the body is a band of hatched erect triangles, a plain hatched band, a band of dotted lozenges, another band of hatched triangles, and a band of erect zigzag lines. They are all separated from one another by horizontal lines. On the handle are two longitudinal rows of dots separated by lines.

Material Description:

The clay is a light dull red, of firm texture.

Collection History:

Henry L. Pierce Fund, 1901.

Sources Used:

Fairbanks 1928, 80, no. 268, pl. 22