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The city Caunus has a naval arsenal and a close harbour. Above the city upon a height is Imbrus, a stronghold. Although the country is fertile, yet the city is allowed by all to be unhealthy in summer, on account of the heat, and in autumn, from the abundance of fruits.

Stories of the following kind are related respecting the city. Stratonicus, the player on the cithara, seeing the Caunians somewhat dark and yellow,1 said that this was what the poet meant in the line, “‘As are the leaves, so is the race of men.’2” When he was accused of ridiculing the unhealthiness of the city, he answered, ‘Can I be so bold as to call that city unhealthy, where even the dead walk about?’

The Caunians once revolted from the Rhodians, but, by a decision of the Romans, they were received again by the Rhodians into favour. There is in existence an oration of Molo against the Caunians.

It is said that they speak the same language as the Carians, that they came from Crete, and retained their own laws and customs.3

1 Kramer suggests the words ὑπομέλανας καὶ, for the corrupt reading, ἐπιμελῶς.

2 Il. vi. 146.

3 The Caunians were aborigines of Caria, although they affected to come from Crete.—Herod. i. 72.

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