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Next to Sidene is Pharnacia1 a small fortified city, and then follows Trapezus,2 a Greek city, to which from Amisus is a voyage of about 2200 stadia; thence to the Phasis about 1400 stadia, so that the sum total of stadia from the Hieron3 to the Phasis is about 8000 stadia, either more or less.

In sailing along this coast from Amisus we first come to the Heracleian promontory;4 then succeeds another promontory, Jasonium,5 and the Genetes;6 then Cytorus (Cotyorus) a small city,7 from which Pharnacia received a colony; then Ischopolis, which is in ruins. Next is a bay on which are situated Cerasus, and Hermonassa,8 small settlements. Near Hermonassa is Trapezus, then Colchis. Somewhere about this place is a settlement called Zygopolis.

I have already spoken of Colchis, and of the sea-coast beyond.9

1 According to Arrian, Pharnacia in his time was the name of Cerasus (Kerasun).

2 Trebisond.

3 The temple of Jupiter near Chalcedon.

4 To the west of the mouth of the Termeh.

5 Jasun.

6 C. Vona.

7 Ordu.

8 Platana.

9 B. xi. c. ii. ยง 12.

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