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Thrace as a whole consists of twenty-two tribes. But although it has been devastated to an exceptional degree, it can send into the field fifteen thousand cavalry and also two hundred thousand infantry. After Maroneis one comes to the city Orthagoria and to the region about Serrhium1 (a rough coastingvoyage) and to Tempyra, the little town of the Samothracians, and to Caracoma,2 another little town, off which lies the island Samothrace, and to Imbros, which is not very far from Samothrace; Thasos, however, is more than twice as far from Samothrace as Imbros is. From Caracoma one comes to Doriscus,3 where Xerxes enumerated his army; then to the Hebrus, which is navigable inland to Cypsela,4 a distance of one hundred and twenty stadia. This, he5 says, was the boundary of the Macedonia which the Romans first took away from Perseus and afterwards from the Pseudo-Philip.6 Now Paulus,7 who captured Perseus, annexed the Epeirotic tribes to Macedonia, divided the country into four parts for purposes of administration, and apportioned one part to Amphipolis, another to Thessaloniceia, another to Pella, and another to the Pelagonians. Along the Hebrus live the Corpili, and, still farther up the river, the Brenae, and then, farthermost of all, the Bessi, for the river is navigable thus far. All these tribes are given to brigandage, but most of all the Bessi, who, He8 says, are neighbors to the Odrysae and the Sapaei. Bizye9 was the royal residence of the Astae. The term "Odrysae" is applied by some to all the peoples living above the seaboard from the Hebrus and Cypsela as far as Odessus10—the peoples over whom Amadocus, Cersobleptes, Berisades, Seuthes, and Cotys reigned as kings.

1 Cape Makri.

2 Caracoma (or Characoma, meaning a fortress?) is otherwise unknown.

3 Now Tulsa.

4 Now Ipsala.

5 sc. Strabo.

6 The younger brother of Perseus, whom Perseus regarded as his heir.

7 Aemilius Paulus Macedonicus, in his second consulship, 168 B.C., defeated Perseus near Pydna.

8 sc. Strabo.

9 Bizye (now Viza) was the home of King Tereus (in the story of Philomela and Procne) and was the residence of the last Thracian dynasty, which was of the stock of the Odrysae.

10 Now Varna.

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