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Well, to be sure, Socrates, there is no need to refute you with ancient instances; for those happenings of but a day or two ago are enough to refute you, and prove that many a wrongdoer is happy.

What sort of thing do you mean?

I suppose you see that Archelaus, son of Perdiccas, is ruler of Macedonia?1

Well, if I do not, at any rate I hear it.

Do you consider him happy or wretched?

I do not know, Polus; I have never met the man.

1 Archelaus usurped the throne of Macedonia in 413 B.C., and ruled till his death in 399 B.C. Euripides, Agathon, and other distinguished Athenians were guests at his court; Socrates was also invited, but declined to visit him (Aristot. Rhet. ii. 23. 8), and this is probably the point of Socrates' next remark.

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    • Gonzalez Lodge, Commentary on Plato: Gorgias, 525d
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