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[1100] Oh may the sacred blazing thunderbolt of the Aegean, hurled in might, smite the ship of Menelaus full in the middle, on its way in mid-sea, [1105] since he is carrying me away in bitter sorrow from the shores of Ilium to be a slave in Hellas, while the daughter of Zeus still keeps her golden mirrors, delight of maidens' hearts. [1110] Never may he reach his home in Laconia or his father's hearth and home, nor come to the town of Pitane 1 or the temple of the goddess 2 with the gates of bronze, having taken as his captive the one whose marriage brought disgrace on Hellas through its length and breadth and woful anguish [1115] on the streams of Simois!

1 Part of Sparta was so called.

2 Athena of “the Brazen House,” a temple on the acropolis.

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