Plan of Citadel, Mycenae, Citadel

Context: Mycenae
Type: Fortification
Summary: Citadel walls of Mycenae protected the palace, administration buildings and some habitations.
Date: 1350 BC - 1200 BC

Main walls average 6 m. thick and enclose an area of ca. 30,000 square m.

Region: Argolid
Period: Late Bronze Age


A roughly triangular fortress around a low hill (280 m. above sea level) with 1 main gate, a postern gate and 1 or 2 sally ports. A paved ramp-road winds from the main gate, past Grave Circle A, past buildings of lower citadel, and up to the palace.


3 stages of construction: 1) ca. 1350 BC, walls enclosed highest portion of hill; 2) ca. 1250 BC, area enlarged to S and W, enclosing Grave Circle A. Lion Gage and postern gate added: 3) ca. 1200 BC, NE Extension encloses access to water reservoir. SE section of citadel lost to later natural erosion.

Other Bibliography:

G. Mylonas 1983, 72-92